• Cartooner - EN

Cartooner is a new experience in drawing games. It is a game that combines storytelling and drawing. This epic battle game lets everyone experience the thrill of creating and sharing their own stories in comics format with nothing more than stick figures! While this is a game about drawing, it's not just a game where the best artist wins. Your strategy and ability to adapt fast will matter much more. Points are awarded for strategy and following the rules, not artistic ability.

The game features two decks of cards, Themes and Trends, that give endless replay value and story inspiration. The Themes deck gives you specific ideas and plot devices: Desire to Save the World, Haunted Houses, Mutants, and 133 other wild Themes. The gorgeously illustrated Trend Cards (by San Francisco artist Konstantin Pogorelov) represent broader comic tropes, such as Shared Universe, Crossover, Reboot, Origin Story, Disasters, and Destiny.

The game plays out in 4 rounds that build up in intensity. Each round is 5 minutes long. Your goal is to get the most Fame points at each round using a combination of your Theme cards and the fleeting market Trends that are valid only for one round. In the end, the player with the most Fame wins…but every player walks away with a comic of their own creation. With literally hundreds of thousands of possible combinations of story prompts, you'll never run out of ideas!

  • Play Time: 30-60 minutes
  • Recommended Ages: 12+
  • Number of Players: 4-8
  • Number of Cards Included: 188
  • Sleeve Size: Standard

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Cartooner - EN

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